Thursday, February 3, 2011

Moving on, and moving OUT! This gal has a pad again!

I just signed a lease beginning next month for a nice little abode in my old hood. I am actually really excited- but a little bit sad too. I will desperately miss opening the door in the evenings to the sound of two cheerful little yells “Auntie!”, followed by a long list of toys, games and/or things I must do or play. I have fallen so in love with my darling little nieces, and it has been such a pleasure to be a part of their every day. I truly feel simply so blessed to have been able to spend this time with them and bond the special relationship we have had since their birth. Now- I do not recommend everyone go out and lose their job/boyfriend and move back in with their sweet big sis, but for anyone who finds themselves on hard times and has the option, I just have to say- do it. It is priceless.

I will also miss my big sis. Our relationship is just easy. I love her. And while we have no doubt had our differences, we have always overcome them with ease. She and I are like twins in some regards. We work so efficiently side by side, always knowing what the other one is going to do before they even move. We completely ‘get’ where the other one is coming from, even though we are never quite coming from the same place. She is my sister, my role model, my friend, and best of all, she is the one I know in any given moment will have my back, and trust me you don’t want to mess with her. And she’s fun too! I’ve loved being a part of her family these past few months, and I am going to miss that warmth and love.

And then there is my sweet, patient brother-in-law who has put up with me leaving my dishes/shoes/sweaters around, and plenty of other annoying habits I am sure. I also cherish the ease of our relationship, and the fun we have together. Hikes, walking the dog, playing Yahtzee at the local brew pub.. He honestly feels like my brother. And I know that will always be true.

I’ll miss the dog too! And that cute little puppy eyed look he gives when he wants to snuggle.

But now I get to move on to other things- like DECORATING! And setting up my new place so that I can host the nieces for slumber parties, and their parents for football gamesJ And all of my lovely girlfriends for Girls Night!

Feels like this year is already off to an amazing start- and this is just the beginning of it!

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