Monday, February 14, 2011


What a weekend. Note to self- leave at least one weekend day for productivity- not dating. Oi.

Went out with the ‘other guy’ on Saturday for lunch, and for our non-alcoholic date which turned into us sitting in a pub for hours- drinking beer. Okay, maybe not lots of hours, but at least 2. It was a decent date, but I was disappointed in his lack of creativity. I am not sure what it Is about date # 3 too- it was another bit of a dud. Boo. The conversation was good, and deep again, but getting a little repetitive. He walked me to my bus afterwards in the rain, and then basically attacked me at the bus stop. Would have been fine if I found his kisses enjoyable, but to be honest- I feel nothing. Not bad, not good. And I really tried too. We’re going out this week for a bowling date- yes, I am lacking in originality, but I know bowling is always going to be a fun date. And this guy and I need to have some fun together.

Yesterday I went out with Mr. Baseball. It was nice to see him in the afternoon, and have a casual date. We had lunch, went for a nice leisurely walk in the sun, (Yes, it was sunny here yesterday!) and then ended up having a tour de competition- first ping pong, in which he slaughtered me, then some pool, and finally a rematch of BuckHunter. It was actually a great date, but I think I am going to have to end it. In the middle of lunch he said he wanted to take me away for a weekend. I literally choked on the bite I was taking as he said it. I later thanked him for the invite and explained that I am dating other people and don’t really feel ready to take it to the ‘weekend getaway’ level with anybody just yet. He understood, and was very sweet about it, but I still know he is going to be bummed when I put the kibosh on US. He is so sweet, and cute, and there is chemistry, but he is a bore, and kind of drives me nuts in general. I just don’t see a future, and need to end it before it goes any further. Bummer.

I also found out this weekend that my Mr. Big Equivalent, is moving back home to be a baby daddy. Apparently he knocked up an old friend while he was back East visiting the fam for Christmas. I am shocked, but also excited for him. And as my dear friend pointed out, maybe it’s a good thing that all my exes are moving away, and making it that much easier for me to move on. She is totally right, especially since I had been thinking about giving him a call Saturday night to help me get over my bad date blues… So glad I didn’t!!

But she is right- feels good to clear out the old, and bring on the new. Just going to keep trying, and continue to kiss as many frogs as it takes. xo

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