Thursday, January 27, 2011


Ha! How fitting that my last post was about Baseball- a sport I don’t really even watch, let alone play!

So an hour after my last post I received a text from Mr. Tall- “Drinks tonight?”. Sorry, but I need 24 hours notice, especially for a first date, so I politely declined and suggested the following evening. So last night we met up for drinks. And guess what? Mr. Tall happens to be an ex-Minor League Baseball player (!) And a pretty cute one too! Looks like he is just the guy to ‘help me with my swing’…! Love it!

So date #1 went well. Nice guy, we had a lot in common, and had a really nice flow to our conversation with maybe only a few slight pauses, which I think is to be expected on numero uno. I noticed I was a little nervous, and kind of fidgety, but loosened up by the second drink thankfully- and think I came across confident and fun, which is important. And in retrospect, I am extremely glad I wore a skirt and heels since the conversation consisted of a lot of sports talk and my love for the outdoors! But apparently it all worked out.. just got another text from him… “dinner tomorrow?”

So of course there is a kicker… there always is with me. He happens to be in the same industry as the last 2 men I’ve dated! I swear I don’t have a “type” but it’s starting to get worrisome. And I am positive if I asked, he’d know exactly who the last 2 were. Ugh. And the ultimate kicker.. He looks just like my Ex, but with HAIR!! Classic.

All in all though, it was a good date. I’d say I definitely got on base . So I’m feeling like it’s a good start.

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