Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Remember, O man, that you are dust, and unto uh, chemicals(?), you shall return

I'm back!

I know, I know, quite the hiatus. Blame love or respect, but I just don’t feel that it’s appropriate to chronicle the inner details of my relationship with you- it'd be rude to my sweetie, and quite frankly boring for you all. But in real honesty, I realize that besides my job, that’s about all that really occupies my time these days. But now... I have a new adventure!

After months of packing on some LB’S and wondering why I’ve not only gained so much weight, but just feel like crap all the time, I’ve decided to do a little experiment and follow Alicia Silverstone’s The Kind Diet so I can really see and feel how the food I eat affects me.
As today is Ash Wednesday, why not start today? (Before you make any judgments on my commitment, or lack thereof to my Roman Catholic Faith, I admit, Pope Benedict will not be celebrating my devotion, but I have been a faithful Ash Wednesday- Mass Attending- Lent Following -Catholic devoutly for at least the last 10 years).

So the journey begins. No meat. No Dairy. No sugary goodness. I’m going to go as close to macrobiotic as my vegetable hating, processed food loving, carnivorous palate will take me. Should be interesting. Entertaining to say the least. I'm prepared with a few simple cookbooks, the internet of course, and a kind co-worker who has already offered tips. Should be plenty of trials and tribulations, and if I know me ( which I sure damn hope I do)... plenty of funny stories. ( Please note: I say 'funny' as in haha- not oh look at me I'm so clever and witty. Just apt to be the girl you laugh at. I would too. I recently walked out of a bar bathroom with toilet paper hanging out of my pants... I can't make this stuff up, it just happens).

Anywho, I am excited at the challenge and ready to embrace a new way of looking at food. And in the end, hopefully perhaps I’ll tap into my body’s natural and organic strength and help it get back to the wonder God intended it to be :) … full of life, free from pain, and a little more pure.
And sans 20LB's wouldn't be so bad either.

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