I did it! I FINALLY did it. Plummeted toward the earth at a whopping 120 miles per hour, and then gently floated down under a billowing parachute for the last 1000 feet or so. I have to say it was the most exhilerating 30 seconds of my life...
When my boss suggested we go skyding as an unofficial team building event, I immediately responded I was in. I've had numerous people suggest it over the years, and have mentioned my desire to do it quite a few times, but it never actually happened, so I didn't really believe it would this time either. But then, other co-workers started responding with an excited "yes", and the next thing I knew our jump was scheduled.
In all, only 5 of us could make it, but it was a perfect 5 to do so. We had all sorts of personalities, dipostions, ages, it was a random group with a great dynamic. We drove up to the field together and upon arrival started filling out our paperwork. At this point, my excitement for jumping out of a perfectly good airplane started to wane as I read about the 19 ways in which I could possibly die, and that it wasn't the skydiving companies fault. Because afterall, my parachute was packed by a human, and as we all know humans make mistakes. Oh and p.s. "we don't have insurance." After the first few pages, I just stopped reading all together...blind faith.
After a quick 10 min video about the 3 rules of skydiving, a demonstration on arching, and all of a sudden they were reading off the names of the first group. Of course, we were the selected guinea pigs. We met our tandem buddies out near the field and they suited us up in some rather attractive jump suits, complete with leatherhead-esque helmets.
The next few minutes were filled with the whirl of the plane engine, some nervous laughter, last minute instructions and one final prayer. Though my prayer was cut short when the beat from AC/DC's "She's Got Balls" over took my mind. Duh duh duhn nah...duh duh duh duhn nah...
We opened the plane door, and I watched as my boss slid over to the doorway, nervously. He grabbed on to both sides of the exit to steady himself and then apparently had second thoughts. Next thing we all saw was his tandem instructor prying his fingers off, one by one, and away they both went.
I was next. I slid over to the door, wrapped my feet under the belly of the plane, took one second to flash the i love you sign to my dear friend, and according to the rest of the group, proceeded to scream at the highest pitched level they had ever heard.
Falling from 10,000 feet is nothing like you think it will be. The initial roll out of the plane is simply terrifying. There is that second when all of a sudden you realize you have just jumped out of a plane, for no reason other than you think it may be fun.... But then it just becomes exhilerating. There is no loss of gravity, you don't feel your stomach in your throat, you just kind of float with the wind racing by your face and filling your ears with a gentle roar.
We spun around a bit, taking in all 360degrees of the beauty that is the Northwest. I could see 3 cities, 2 mountain ranges, multiple bodies of water, and 3 large mountains. It was breathtaking. Literally. I had to remember to smile and breathe through my teeth so I could enjoy what I was taking in.
Upon safely landing, all I could do was grin from ear to ear, and wonder when I could go up again. I will never forget that feeling- and am so happy I once again proved, I've got balls. God I love my life.
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