Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Since I know that nobody other than a few of my closest friends read this- You wont be surprised to hear that Karma has served me up another slap in the face.

So, my MATCH date, the one that was a total FLOP. Well one of the things that turned me off about the guy was that as it turns out he use to play on the same flag football team that I now play for. I know what you’re thinking…”flag football, that’s perfect for you.” Except that he gave up playing because he got hurt too many times. Broke a few fingers, his elbow and a couple other injuries. Of course, being the bitch that I am, I made fun of him for these injuries when I rehashed the date with my coworkers. I mean really, who gets THAT hurt in flag football??

So Sunday I played flag football. I subbed for a team (the one he used to play on) and we had a great game, beating a team with a stellar record. Then I had a game for my regular team. As were warming up, I went for a low thrown ball … and possibly broke my finger. Yup, I am now wearing a very sexy robo-cop style splint on my very fat, very purple, and very ugly pinky finger. Damn that Karma!

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