The evening of the broken pinky incident I decided to stop into my local watering hole to drink away my pain, garner a little sympathy for my swollen digit (hello, it’s ME- don’t act surprised!), and to see My-Pal-The-Bartender who I hadn’t seen in months as I was somewhat avoiding the place . Not really sure why exactly I was steering clear, I just got sick of being “that girl”. It isn’t that I didn’t talk to people, I did, I was pretty sure they all liked me, but it got boring after a while walking in there alone time after time, so I took a little break from the neighborhood pub. But then He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named mentioned to me, in text of course, that he had seen My-Pal-The-Bartender and we both have him in common. That got me thinking of My-Pal-The-Bartender, so I walked into the bar that Sunday evening and things have taken an interesting course since...
I always knew My-Pal liked me, we just clicked immediately. But I never got an overpowering romantic feeling from him, just the ‘You-are-a-cool-girl’ vibe. So when he kissed my finger to make the pain go away, I was a bit surprised. When he suggested I come down to the other bar where he worked so he could introduce me to eligible bachelors, I was confused, and when he suggested we go out for drinks I was even more perplexed. But, I’ve always liked him, so why not enjoy his company for a happy hour drink or two? Well happy hour turned into a full fledged date- romantic dinner, awesome conversation, a meet up with his buddy, after dinner drinks, live music and dancing, and ended with a passionate kiss on the sidewalk! Talk about coming from left field… I did not see this one at all! BLIND-SIDED. And now I’ve seen him numerous times, and can’t get enough. He is the complete opposite of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, in more good ways than bad. And while I don’t really know what I am doing, it feels like exactly what I need right now. FUN.
I’m starting to see life in a different light as I age. Ready to slow down and learn my lessons before jumping into something that ultimately is not what I want. I can admit it- I am 30, and still have NO CLUE what I want, but I’m okay with that.
Sometimes you have to just go with things and enjoy the surprises. Unexpected things are around every corner…or in this case, the corner bar.